<img src="./inst/extdata/univ.png" align="right"/>
# ScaffoldMS R package
Enhanced analysis of protein mass spectrometry results provided by Scaffold Proteome software ©.
host = "",
build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual")
## alternative (from local directory)
# clone package (from prompt)
git clone
# build package (from R console)
# install package (from R console)
install.packages("ScaffoldMS_1.2.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
* Identification of the species of origin from Genbank data (taxon, scientific name, common name).
* construction of the peptide signature ("pattern") allowing the identification of proteins and their grouping using
[Blast +]( suite and [clustal omega](
2. perform Linear model statistics from Scaffold Proteome software © quantification files (current view): `ScaffoldMS::quantify`.
3. Merge pattern alignments (clustalo and blast) results: `ScaffoldMS::merge_alignments`.
4. Display proteins species count overview: `ScaffoldMS::species_count`.

6. Proteins abundance plot: `ScaffoldMS::abundance_plot`.